Chip Design NL

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The Netherlands has achieved a global top position within the semiconductor equipment industry. The second top position within this value chain is the chip design industry. Both positions are of great added value to increase Europe’s strategic autonomy and generate 20% market value. However, this requires strengthening around chip design. Training talent with the right skills to design the next generation of chips is of great importance.

To realize this ambition and contribute to Dutch and European innovation policy, a broad national consortium has joined forces to develop an action agenda. The initiative is led by High Tech NL Semiconductors, Brainport Development, ChipTech Twente, PhotonDelta and Oost NL. Amongst others, the activities include ecosystem development, the organization of events and the identification of action lines.

In the last months of 2023, the consortium, together with the industry, will further shape this agenda to achieve concrete goals and elaborate on the action lines. Keep an eye on our agenda for upcoming events!

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