NXTGEN Hightech domain Semiconductors

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“Semiconductors, or chips, are crucial for just about all new electronics. You find them in cars, phones, computers, and even coffee makers. The challenge is to make chips smaller, more powerful, and more efficient. This requires very complex systems and machines. And that’s exactly what we focus on.

Faster, safer, and more sustainable.

The demand for better semiconductors is rising. This new generation of chips needs to be not only faster but also safer and more sustainable. We are thinking, for instance, of photonic chips, but also of the integration of chips into heterogeneous systems. Before we can start producing, testing, and integrating these chips and systems, we need to be able to manufacture the chips. That’s where the biggest challenges lie.

Building on existing knowledge

We’re already very good at building chip machines in the Netherlands. With NXTGEN Hightech, we’re looking further: we’re working on the next generation of semiconductor equipment. With this, we will enable the creation of even more complex, efficient, and faster types of chips. We’ll also be able to test these chips more efficiently to reduce waste.

Once we reach that point, we’ll take it a step further: we’ll integrate these various chips into advanced systems, known as packages. These ‘heterogeneous systems’ are real game changers.

Our projects

These are the projects that are active within the Semiconductors domain:

  • Process optimization for high TRL & high MRL PLD
  • Next Generation High Tech System architectures
  • NXTGEN chip assembly equipment
  • (Nano) Metrology systems
  • Deposition and printing for heterogeneous assembly
  • Metrology Equipment for Critical Scaling of PIC Production
  • Production Equipment for high volume PIC Production
  • Ecosystem project

See all projects

Check out the Semicon Domain video, presented at the NXTGEN event of March 12th.

For more information and news, check the NXTGEN Hightech website.

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