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Recap seminar Chip Design – March 23, 2023

Recap seminar ‘Chip Design: An Industry Deep Dive, Micro-Electronics and Heterogeneous Systems’

Ambitions towards a European top position

March 23, the seminar ‘Chip Design. An industry Deep Dive, Micro-Electronics and Heterogeneous Systems’ was held, hosted by ChipTech Twente. Well over 80 experts and entrepreneurs in the field of chip tech and chip design gathered here to learn more about chip design and its potentials.

The Netherlands has achieved a global top position within the semiconductor lithography equipment industry. We are now ready to realize a second top position within the value chain and to aim for recognition for the chip design industry. Both positions are of great added value to increase Europe’s strategic autonomy and increase production capacity to the preferred 20% global market value.

Joint forces to leverage the potentials of Chip Design

To achieve this, we need to unite strengths and knowledge around the existing chip design community. Therefore, a broad national consortium has joined forces in recent months to formulate an ambition document in the form of an action agenda. This action agenda was handed over during the event to Maud van Haeren, Ministry of EZK, who stressed the huge importance of these kind of initiatives.

Next steps

During outbreak sessions, input was also gathered from the community on the four identified action lines: Lab to Fab, Tech to Market, Human Capital  Venture Building. At the next seminar on June 15 in Nijmegen, we will share insights gathered through these sessions. Over the next few months, the consortium together with the industry, will then further shape the action agenda to achieve concrete goals and elaborate on the action lines.

If you are interested, please follow us on LinkedIn to keep up to date on our activities. More information on the action agenda ‘Chip Design NL, the national cluster’ (and download document) can be found here.

Presentations from the March 23 event:


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