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Recap Chip Design event on Advanced Packaging – June 15, 2023

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On June 15, the Dutch chip design community gathered again, this time at Noviotech Campus around the theme of chip design in combination with advanced packaging. A lot of new insights were shared, ways of expanding business and accelerating growth were explored. Second half of the program was dedicated to ‘human capital’ and the key role of having enough and the rightly skilled people to push the Netherlands (and Europe) forward in the ambitions we are now defining in a Dutch chip design strategy.

You can find the downloads of the presentations given by CITC, High Tech NL, RVO, Sencio, Phix, Philips, Brainport Development and NXP listed below!

The event was hosted by the Chip Integration Technology Center (CITC) in Nijmegen and organized in a joint collaboration between High Tech NL (cluster Semiconductors), Brainport Development, ChipTech Twente, PhotonDelta and OostNL. Follow us on LinkedIn or keep an eye on our agenda to stay up to date about the events of High Tech NL Semiconductors.





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