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Matchmaking event at Nanotech Expo Tokyo

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Explore your options in Japan

Are you actively involved in photonics, quantum- or nanotechnology? And do you want to explore the opportunities and developments of these three key enabling technologies in Japan? Then, join the Matchmaking Nanotech Expo in Japan from 1-3 February 2023, organised by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland – RVO) and the Netherlands Embassy in Japan.

Key Technologies

Quantum technology, nanotechnology and photonics (integrated photonics, optics) are important key technologies in both the Netherlands and Japan. Both countries invest heavily in the further development of these technologies (including active government policy and roadmaps) in order to contribute to solving societal challenges such as security, sustainability, economy and life science.

This matchmaking event for Dutch companies and organisations takes place at the Holland Pavilion at the Nanotech Japan Expo 2023 in Tokyo, Japan.

Important data

  • January 31, 2023:  Kick-off at the Netherlands embassy, ​​reception and networking.
  • 1 to 3 February 2022:  Exhibition days at the Holland Pavilion with various matchmaking activities.

For more information (in Dutch) and registration, visit the website of RVO.


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