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Dutch RF Knowledge Lab Update

In the past few months, Holland Semiconductors has taken huge steps in the development of the Nijmegen-based ‘RF Knowledge Lab’.

After many meetings with interested parties and important feedback from the Dutch semiconductor industry, decisions about the next goals have been made. We like to give you a sneak preview.
What kind of activities do we want to facilitate

  • Idea creation:
  • design & engineering services;
  • prototype & testing;
  • advice on the integration of the recommended RF solution;
  • Etc.

A wide and various range of services, to be provided by the partners in the RF Knowledge Lab consortium. Right now we have well over 10 parties in the participation of the RF Knowledge Lab. Feel free to get in touch with Tom van der Dussen in case you want to learn more about this Holland Semiconductors project, if you want to participate as an RF specialized company, or if you are thinking about RF as a solution for your question.

The RF Knowledge Lab will operate as a unique and stand-alone desk to support (international) companies, which of course can also be based in Germany or Belgium. They can benefit from the Dutch-based knowledge and already available landscape.



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