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Webinar April 5, 2023: Preparation for the Innovation Mission to Japan 19-23 June

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Webinar April 5, 9-10am (CET)

Japan – The Netherlands on Semiconductors
Preparation for the Innovation Mission to Japan 19-23 June

The growing semiconductor industry in the Netherlands and Japan offers many opportunities for partnerships between the two like-minded countries. To speed up technological transfer the Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo has prepared a webinar and online matchmaking session. This is a kick-off to the Innovation Mission on Semiconductors in June 2023. In this webinar we will get the conversation started between Netherlands and Japanese semiconductor companies and knowledge institutes.

The event will start with an opening by the Delegation Leader of the Innovation Mission in June, Astrid Bronswijk of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, and further introduction by the Embassy in Tokyo about the Innovation Mission and other activities towards strategic bilateral partnerships in semiconductors, quantum technology and photonics. This will be followed by presentations about photonic and heterogeneous integration by prof. Yasuhiko Arakawa of the University of Tokyo, Dr. Koichi Awazu of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and Dr. Koji Yasui of Mitsubishi Electric Co.

In the registration you can indicate preference for virtual 1-on-1 meetings with Japanese companies, which we will try to facilitate on a later date in April.

Details webinar:

  • Time & date: Wednesday 5 April 2023, 9:00-10:00h (CET)
  • Language: English
  • Registration: please use this link to register
  • You will receive a link to participate a few days before the event


16.00h Opening Embassy (purpose and agenda) and Netherlands government (welcome)
16.05h Activities towards bilateral cooperation, outline and purpose of Innovation Mission in June –
Rob Stroeks, Senior Advisor Innovation, Science and Technology, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
16.15h Recent developments in Silicon Photonics-based Photonic-Electronic Convergent Chips with Quantum Dot Lasers – Prof. Yasuhiko Arakawa, Tokyo University
16.25h AIST mission under the national strategy for next generation semiconductors – Dr. Koichi Awazu, Counselor, TIA Central Office, AIST
16.40h Photonics and heterogeneous integration breakthrough for full-digital society – Dr. Koji Yasui, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
16.50h Q&A’s
16.55h Wrap up and closing remarks
17.00h End of program




Prof. Yasuhiko Arakawa, the University of Tokyo – Prof. Arakawa is a Specially-Appointed Professor and the director of Quantum Innovation Co-creation Center at the Institute for Nano Quantum Information Electronics, The University of Tokyo. His current research is focused on advancing the forefront of quantum photonics including as quantum dot lasers, single photon sources, and silicon photonics.

Dr. Koichi Awazu, Counselor, TIA Central Office, AIST (National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science and Technology) – Dr. Koichi Awazu studied point defects in insulator materials and their optical properties for over 30 years. He also contributed to national projects on optical communication,
sensors, and semiconductors. Since 2015, he has had a mission of international affairs to find collaboration with foreign countries in AIST.

Dr. Koji Yasui, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation – Dr. Yasui is working as a senior chief technologist to connect advanced technology of university people and business people to tackle with front-end business requirements in digital, EV, and energy markets

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