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VDL-ETG & TU/e mini-symposium: Active Contamination Control

Eindhoven, The Netherlands
13:00 - 18:00
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The High Tech Systems Center together with VDL Enabling Technologies Group have organized a mini-symposium ‘Contamination Control‘ on 1 February 2024.

12:30  Walk-in with coffee and tea at the Auditorium, TU/e

13:00  Welcome by Ton Peijnenburg | CTO VDL-ETG

13:10  Introduction ACCESS project
Paul Blom | Sr. System Engineer at VDL-ETG

13:25  Particle creation
Towards understanding wear particle generation on silicon wafers | PhD candidate Sven Sperling and EngD candidate Tom Bertens

13:55  Particle transport
Thermophoretic force in a rarefied gas | PhD Candidate Ralf Reinartz

14:25  Coffee break

14:45  Particle removal
Plasma based dust filter | PhD candidate Judith van Huijstee

15:15  Conclusions ACCESS project
Kasper van den Broek | Tribology Expert & Contamination Control Architect

15:30  Coffee break and poster market

16:00  Official start ACCESS-2 project (in Dutch)
with TU/e Rector Magnificus Silvia Lenaerts, and Geert Jakobs CEO of VDL-ETG

16:30 – 17:45  Drinks and poster market

Registration is required but free of charge.

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