
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

September 8, 2022: The Vibe of the Future Festival 2022

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Inspiration festival for innovators in health & high tech

To most of us, the future remains a mystery. Yet, there are some who dare to look far beyond what is known, things that are seen as normal or generally accepted as common thinking. People who look deep into the depths of the unknown, balance at its edge, and take the leap. Because they want to, have to or need to: because they think they can make a difference and be of a positive change.

At Vibe of the Future,  the stories of these people are shared. Explore new perspectives on entrepreneurship, science and innovation, with leading changemakers like Bas Bloem and Lucas de Man. All while enjoying art, creative foods, new connections and chill and lounge!

When & Where

The festival takes place on September 8th from 16:00hrs – 22:00hrs, at Noviotech Campus in Nijmegen. The Noviotech Campus is an innovation ecosystem of 3500+ innovators who strive to be of a meaningful and positive change for a future-proof society. Nijmegen is the oldest city of The Netherlands and the ultimate spot for exploring new horizons and laying the foundations of the future.

Programme en free registration


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