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September 8-10, 2021, Semicon Taiwan POSTPONED!

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Semicon Taiwan is postponed. It is now scheduled for December 28 – 30. With the current travel restrictions, this will be a ‘local’ Semicon event, similar to last year. In addition, SEMI is working on a program of online conferences and our webinar series fits in nicely with that.

For more information see: Home | SEMICON Taiwan



The semiconductor industry is Taiwan’s most important industry and has strong bonds with the Dutch high-tech market. In collaboration with the NTIO, the Dutch representative in Taipei, Taiwan, Holland Semiconductors supports Dutch Semicon companies to explore the Taiwanese markets. Together we organize a new series of events in September 2021, during Semicon Taiwan.

These events are focused on strengthening the Dutch – Taiwanese relations and promote the EU as a market for semiconductors. The special topic and focus will be on diversifying the supply chain and improving sustainability. In the upcoming period, Holland Semiconductors will invite our partners to join this series of events.

Amongst others, there will a roundtable session and networking events. These moments will bring a unique chance to meet Taiwan’s high-tech Semicon leaders, people from the local and regional municipalities, and top leaders from the tech industry.

Please feel free to contact us for more information. We also are looking for speakers during these events, to share their points of view on special topics like; diversifying the supply chain and reducing the impact on the environment by improving sustainability.

We’re looking forward to many participants and explore the Taiwanese opportunities together.

Interested to join us as a speaker or participant in these events? Let us know!
Please contact Tom van der Dussen, projectmanager Holland Semiconductors,

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