
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

September 16, 2021, “High Tech NL te gast bij” MTA

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On behalf of organizing member MTA BV, we are pleased to invite you to visit this company on Thursday September 16.

As a network leader, MTA develops mechatronic machines and systems together with and for its customers and then builds these in series. In 2019, MTA was named the best industrial supplier in the Netherlands in the Best Knowledge category. Over a year ago they moved into a modern new building in Helmond.

Hosts Patrick Geerts, Chief Commercial Officer & co-owner, and Richard van Lieshout, Chief Technical Officer, take you into the world of Agrofood Robotics. They show how MTA distinguishes itself through a combination of smart system architecture, modular design, and the unique V² model in which product and production development go hand in hand. Result: lower integral costs and shorter lead time of mechatronic systems.

More information about MTA


Unique V² way of working

MTA realizes the connection of product development with product development, project, and supply chain management through its unique V² way of working. MTA develops mechatronic products in such a way that they are serially reproducible and affordable and can be quickly put on the market. This ensures sound business cases with which MTA makes a difference in the world of mechatronics. To realize this unique way of working, MTA strongly believes in connecting the entire network. From customer, development, engineering, supply chain (partners) to production (partners). As a network director, MTA creates mechatronics.
MTA will gladly take you through the V² way of working and show them the results they achieve using a practical case.


16.00 – 16.30 | Entree
16.30 – 16.45 | Welcome by Patrick Geerts
16.45 – 17.15 | Presentation case study door Richard van Lieshout
17.15 – 17.45 | Tour at MTA
17.45 – 18.30 | Networking drinks

Maisdijk 12
5704 RM Helmond

There is free parking on the MTA site.



All employees of members are welcome to participate in this company visit.*
For participating, register using the registration form.


We are looking forward to welcoming you to MTA on Thursday September 16.!


These meetings are part of the series of network meetings “High Tech NL te gast bij...”.


*Due to the RIVM guidelines, the host company is forced to allow a maximum number of 35 participants. We make the list of participants based on registration time. Once the maximum number has been reached, we will place you on a waiting list. In case of cancellation, we will contact you so that you can still participate.

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