
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

ROCKET end Event

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After more than 4 years of successful cross-border research and development cooperation within INTERREG VA project ROCKET (Regional Collaboration on Key Enabling Technologies) ends the project. The German-Dutch cooperation 11 innovation projects and six feasibility studies led to the development of various state-of-the-art
products and services, which will now be marketed further.

The ROCKET innovation partners and the ROCKET core partners – East NL, BC Semi NL, Novel-T, Cluster NanoMikroWerkstoffePhotonik.NRW and innos – Sperlich GmbH – are happy to celebrate the success of this German-Dutch technology partnership with you and welcome you to:

The Rocket End Event

Thursday, February 27, 2020 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM


In addition to the good results of the ROCKET project and a preview of future activities, the innovation projects presented during a dynamic project market. With the help of prototypes there is a live demonstration of the results achieved. The project market offers an excellent opportunity to become acquainted with innovations that have been made possible by
international cooperation, and to develop new project ideas for the coming financing period.
The final meeting is also a good opportunity to network and gain insight into the professional areas of different companies and research institutions in the border region. Don’t miss the opportunity to take advantage of the potential of cross-border collaboration!


Participation is free of charge.
The event will take place in DRU Cultuurfabriek, Hutteweg 24 Ulft, the Netherlands
Register before 13 February 2020 online via this link:

See you on 27 February!

For more information you can contact Oost NL:
Alex van Geldrop


ROCKET partners

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