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January 13, 2022: Introductory meeting Cyber Resilience

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Resilient through cooperation

The risk of cybersecurity threats is high, more and more companies are confronted with it. The highly interwoven ecosystems in the high tech and manufacturing industry are only as safe as possible if all players are resilient to cybercrime. The Cyber Resilience Center Brainport (CRB) offers these companies a unique opportunity to enhance their protection against cybersecurity threats.

Participants of CBR join forces to form a front against cybercrime. About sixty companies, including some members of High Tech NL / Holland Semiconductors, are already united in CRB and exchange information via a well-secured, private platform about threats as well as solutions.

Are you open to participate or would you first like to know more? Sign up for an online introductory meeting on Thursday, 13 January 2022, 16.00-17.00. To sign up for this meeting, send an email to

Click here for more information about CBR.

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