Philippine-Netherlands Business Roundtable on Semiconductor & High-Tech sectors

The Philippine Trade and Investment Center in coordination with Briskr are organizing a Philippine-Netherlands Business Roundtable on Semiconductor & High-Tech sectors to be held on 30 June, Friday, from 09:00 – 13:00 at Noviotech Campus, Building M, Transistorweg 7N, 6534 AD Nijmegen.
This event will highlight business opportunities in the Philippines for Dutch companies in the fields of semiconductor & high-tech sectors. The Philippine Trade Minister, H.E. Alfredo Pascual, leads the Philippine delegation and will deliver the keynote address.
- Welcome and Introduction by Philippine Ambassador Eduardo Malaya
- Keynote by Trade Minister Alfredo Pascual
- Keynote by High Tech NL Semiconductors/CEO Nexperia Netherlands, Charles Smit
- Industry presentations:
- Philippine Semiconductor and High Tech Sectors by Semiconductor and Electronics Industries of the Philippines (SEIPI) President Dan Lachica
- National Renewable Energy Plrogramme and Sustainable Manufacturing by Department of Energy Assistant Minister Mylene Capongcol
- High Value Strategic Services by IT and Business Process Association of the Philippines (BPAP) President Jack Madrid
- Company Testimonials
- Open Forum
- Closing Remarks
- Networking Lunch
See link in event description.