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October 29 2019, High Tech NL te gast bij Unit040

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On behalf of organising High Tech NL member Unit040, we invite you to visit this company together with other members on Tuesday 29 October a.s.

A great opportunity to meet other High Tech NL members and take a look behind the scenes at this leading company in the field of high-quality 3D solutions.

Unit040 has been a known name in the Brainport Region and the High Tech Industry since 2006. As a supplier of high-quality 3D solutions, Unit040 has always been able to provide added value for customers in the field of simulations and visualisations. Since 2017, Unit040 has initiated the transition from a 3D supplier to a software house with the development of its Digital Twin Platform, Prespective. Prespective is a software platform that allows users to build and test their Digital Twin themselves by linking the actual CAD to the control software. In the meantime this platform has become a fully fledged operating system for Digital Twin Technology and Unit040 has entered into a strategic partnership with Unity Technologies, the developer of Unity3D on which Prespective has been developed. This partnership ensures that Prespective receives global exposure. Unit040 cordially invites you to see and hear the latest developments in this area, where various use cases from that industry will be demonstrated.

Unit040 cordially invites you to see and hear the latest developments in this area, where various use cases from that industry will be demonstrated.



15.30 | Walk-in & reception
16.00 | Presentation ‘Prespective; A tool for collaborative systems engineering ‘by Pieter Weterings and Guido van Gageldonk
17.00 | Network drink & demos
18.00 | End



Brainport Industries Campus
5657 BX Eindhoven

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