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October 25, 2022: Netherlands-Japan Semiconductor Roadshow

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Netherlands-Japan Roadshow ‘Innovation in Semiconductors’

Opportunities for Collaboration

The Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo is organising this Roadshow to bring together different Dutch semiconductor companies with presence in Japan. The Roadshow will take place on Tuesday 25 October, 14.00-18.00 in Hotel Okura in Tokyo.

Semiconductor technology is at the heart of innovative and digital developments in virtually every sector. It is therefore a key industry to bring about the digital and green transition. The Netherlands and Japan are indispensable to achieving these transitions, as they are two of only three countries active throughout the whole semiconductor value chain. Dutch and Japanese government strongly support efforts to further promote their position within the value chain and see the strengthening of their relations as an important part of this. Semiconductor players in Netherlands can be positioned as Japanese partners to realize Japan Semiconductor strategy, especially in the field of 3D device process development.

In this light, the Netherlands Embassy in Japan is organising a NL Semiconductor Roadshow on 25 October. During the event professionals from government, research institutes, and industry will discuss NL semiconductor and high-tech policy and position the NL semiconductor ecosystem in Japan. The goals are:

  • To deepen mutual understanding of strengths and ambitions in the Netherlands and Japan in the field of semicon
  • Build meaningful and future-oriented connections with governmental institutions, knowledge institutes, and start-ups
  • Create partnerships and research communities through R&D activities with knowledge institutes to attract talent and help grow in the Netherlands, Japan and beyond


The Roadshow will be opened by Ambassador Peter van der Vliet. You will first be updated on recent policies in by the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK) of the Netherlands and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan. After that, branch organization Holland Semiconductors will introduce the Netherlands ecosystem, existing of about 200 companies and institutes. This will be followed by innovative presentations by Dutch companies that have representation in Japan: ASMi, TNO, Demcon, Boschman, Prodrive, Fastmicro, Tempress and Nearfield Instruments. Between the presentations and during the reception at the end, there will be amply possibilities to do Networking and further personal discussions. All presenters have panels and posters at the venue for further explanation.

More information and registration

Time & date: 14:30 – 18:00, Tuesday 25 October 2022
Venue: Orchard Room, Hotel Okura Tokyo (2-10-4 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
Organizers: Netherlands Embassy in Japan, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and High Tech NL/Holland Semiconductors
Target audience: Professionals in the field from Japanese government, knowledge institutes and industry
Language: English
Programme: Programme details and speakers
Registration: Click this link to register. If you cannot enter the link, please contact Rob Stroeks


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