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October 13, 2022: Holland Semiconductors Topic Special #6 IP & Cyber Security

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On Thursday 13 October 2022, from 15.30-16.45, Holland Semiconductors presents the 6th online ‘Holland Semiconductors Topic Special’ event on IP & Cyber Security, with speakers from SandGrain, Digital Trust Center and Baker & McKenzie.


Authentication for IP/Counterfeit & Circularity

Presentation by Eduard Hoeberichts, CEO SandGrain

Eduard has been working in the semiconductor industry since 1995 for companies like ASML and Simax. Since 2008 het is an independant consultant and investor. He is Founder of FabMax (2012) and Sandgrain (2019).

SandGrain will present a new method to provide 100% counterfeit prevention with a new system for continuous life cycle asset protection. Asset control also leads to higher levels of cyber security.

Counterfeit is often a first “soft” infringement of IP rights that occurs in many products – and also in high tech equipment. Whereas secondary suppliers are often an accepted – and beneficial relationship for OEMs – is the fact that this should be a controlled process what makes a difference for brand manufacturers.

A case study on counterfeit of Brainport high tech equipment based on existing equipment will be presented.

Life cycle control of single parts and modules leads to not only prevention of counterfeit, but also to higher levels of cyber security. Cyber security of the equipment at customers and security of the supply chain are increasingly important for global level supply chains, as Brainport is.

IP right protection, (EU) legal and market developments with respect to the semi-conductor industry.

Presentation by Benjamin van Kessel, Partner IP, Tech & Commercial at Baker & McKenzie’s Tax Practice Group

Benjamin is an all-round IP and Technology lawyer with ample experience in assisting his (multi)national clients on a wide range of IP matters, including contentious and non-contentious matters such as enforcing IP rights and exploiting IP rights (licensing). Benjamin heads the IPTech Group of Baker & McKenzie’s Amsterdam office and is a lawyer for almost 20 years.

Digital Resilience

Presentation by Jacco van der Kolk, Digital Trust Center – Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy

Jacco van der Kolk is accountmanager at the Digital Trust Center (DTC) since April 2018. Together with his colleagues he is constantly on the lookout for opportunities to help companies in the Netherlands with their digital safety. As a part of the ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate the DTC gives advise and makes and provides products to help companies with their cyber resilience. We try to be the link between the different parties to make a combined effort and get safer together.

“If we could help every company to take one extra step in being digitally safe, that would be a huge step for the security of the  Netherlands!”

The Digital Trust Center (DTC) has a mission to make 1.8 million Dutch companies, not part of the vital infrastructure, more resilient to the increasing cyber threats. The Netherlands has an excellent business climate and a strong international competitive position. Digitization is an important part of this. A precondition here is that entrepreneurs are digitally resilient and have their digital security in order. DTC considers it her duty to help. A big part of that responsibility is to help companies work together, share information and help each other getting more cyber resilient this way.

Practical details

  • Thursday 13 October
  • 15.30 – 16.45h (CET)
  • Online

Holland Semiconductors Topic Special

In the Holland Semiconductors Topic Specials we exchange information on current topics in the semiconductor industry in online discussions.

Our Topic Special sessions are recorded. You can watch them on the Holland Semiconductor YouTube channel



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