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November 4, 2021, Science Meets Business Network event

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Healthcare and High Tech, in many cases these are quite separate worlds. Healthcare is about care, drugs discovery, medical devices, etc. and High Tech is about chip production for sectors like automotive.

But there certainly is also an important cross-over between these sectors where technologies from the semiconductor industry are used in healthcare. For example in lab-on-a-chip and organs-on-a-chip development, diagnostics through photonics, and hyperthermia treatment through radio frequencies.

In this SMB meeting, we have rounded up a group of companies and researchers who address precisely these types of cross-overs.

Date: November 4, 2021
Welcome: 15:30
Program: 16:00 – 17:00
Networking/drinks/bites: 17:00 – 18:00
Location: Novio Tech Campus Nijmegen (building M, Meet&Greet)
Hans van Bokhoven from Radboudumc will talk about the development of organs-on-a-chip that will influence treatment options and drug development.

Klaus Werner from PinkRF will talk about the potential of RF technologies in the treatment of cancer through hyperthermia.

Waander van Heerde from Enzyre will talk about their development to determine blood clotting factors with lab-on-a-chip technology.

And Peter Harmsma from Delta Diagnostics will explain how they use photonics for health diagnostics.

Hybrid event
We expect the RIVM guidelines will allow us to host a physical meeting at Novio Tech Campus in Nijmegen with networking/drinks/snacks afterward. The event will be streamed online as well.



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