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November 3, 2020 Online meeting circular economy ‘from abstract concept to concrete business opportunities’.

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The manufacturing industry has many challenges and is expected to produce more efficiently, sustainably.
In addition, customers want to be unburdened more and more and sometimes prefer to purchase a service rather than a product.


Smart Industry Hub South led by Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM) and in cooperation with CIRCO | Creating Business through Circular Design, organize a (free) online inspiration meeting on Tuesday November 3 between 15:00-17:00.


The manufacturing industry has many challenges and is expected to produce more efficiently, sustainably. In addition, customers want to be unburdened more and more and sometimes prefer to purchase a service rather than a product.


During the online meeting, you will discover what circular economy can actually deliver for your manufacturing company. The central focus is on the combination of creating economic (new turnover/lower costs) and ecological value. You will learn how to use circular principles to increase the competitiveness of your business and how to create new value for customers. An entrepreneur will explain his circular proposition and share implementation experiences.


Do you also want to learn how to turn the moments of waste into new business opportunities in 5 steps? and how to apply circular products, design strategies, and business models? Register now!

For more information and to register, send an email to:

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