
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

November 25, 2021, “High Tech NL te gast bij” Zeiss

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On behalf of organizing member Zeiss, we are pleased to invite you to visit this company on Thursday, November 25, 2021. A great opportunity to meet other members and take a look behind the scenes at this company.


Registration will open soon.


All employees of members are welcome to participate in this company visit.*
For participating, register using the registration form.


We are looking forward to welcoming you to Zeiss on Thursday, November 25!


These meetings are part of the series of network meetings “High Tech NL te gast bij...”.


*Due to the RIVM guidelines, the host company is forced to allow a maximum number of 35 participants. We make the list of participants based on registration time. Once the maximum number has been reached, we will place you on a waiting list. In case of cancellation, we will contact you so that you can still participate.

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