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November 17, 2020 Webinar: Software makes the difference?!

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On Tuesday, November 17 from 3.30 pm to 5 pm
High Tech NL and TNO-ESI are organizing the online meeting “Software makes the difference ?!”

Today, machines and devices are all connected. In addition to mechanics, software is playing an increasingly important role in the high-tech industry and the development of new technical products. As a result, Systems engineering is also becoming increasingly important. Not only for very large companies but also for innovative SMEs. As a systems engineer, thinking about the machine and the business from the start has significant major advantages. But how does this work in practice?

During this meeting, various experts will address questions such as:

  • How do you keep an overview while the complexity continues to grow and the amount of software is booming?
  • How do you continue to develop products?
  • How do you position these software-intensive products on the market and how do they determine the business strategy?


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