
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

NMI Conference


By 2035, the semiconductor industry will be worth $2 trillion each year. How will new markets and emerging technologies shape this next decade?

2035: The next Decade

The next decade will see industries transformed by digitalisation, automation, 6G connectivity, AI, quantum and Net Zero. Hear how the semiconductor industry is set to double in size as it drives these markets and where UK companies can gain a share of the opportunity. Alongside the main conference, an operations and technology track, and the NMI exhibition will showcase the latest innovations from across the semiconductor value chain, providing a unique networking opportunity to learn from peers and create valuable business connections. The poster session returns this year, to highlight the best of UK research innovation.

The NMI Conference will be held in Glasgow on the 26th of March. Learn how UK companies are innovating now to create world-class products ready for 2035 and powering future markets in quantum, photonics, MedTech, sustainability, NetZero, space and autonomous mobility.

More information at Conference 2025 – NMI

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