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Nanotech Expo 2024 – Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo, Japan
31-01-2024 untill 02-02-2024
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Nanotech Expo (International Nanotechnology Exhibition & Conference) is the world’s largest international exhibition conference on nanotechnology which is held annually at Tokyo Big Sight in Tokyo, Japan.

The conference attracts companies and research laboratories in various fields throughout Japan and from around the world: Intelligent and multi-functional materials with high quality, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, high- precision mechanical equipment, semiconductor, electronics, automation, environment, energy and many others. Every year, about 50,000 people attend the conference.

Participation in the Holland High Tech Pavilion

The Netherlands and Japan are important and innovative players in the Deeptech fields of Semiconductors, Quantum Technology and Integrated Photonics. Growing markets and industries offer many opportunities for cooperation between the two like-minded countries.

In the past three years, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, RVO, the Netherlands Embassy in Japan, Quantum Delta NL, Photon Delta NL, High Tech NL, Oost-NL, BOM and Brainport, supported by the business and research community- joined hands to develop relations with Japanese counterparts. Activities included innovation missions to Japan, NL-Pavilions at relevant Expo’s in Tokyo, roadshows and online webinars, matchmake and network events. In total almost 60 Dutch organizations joined these activities, yielding multiple follow-ups and bilateral agreements between governments, companies, and research organizations.

In September, preparations kicked-off for a multiannual Deeptech Program focused on Japan. This effort is supported by RVO and aims to establish a public-private partnership (PPP) for selected topics. The program is set to start mid-2024. In the spirit of these preparations we hereby invite you to join:

Netherlands Pavilion at 2024 Nanotech Expo

Here you can also find information on other activities within the Deeptech Program.


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