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May 17, 2022: The Final Countdown

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The Final Countdown

Next level innovations in ROCKET Reloaded

End-event ROCKET Reloaded

After three years of successful cross-border R&D cooperation, the INTERREG VA project ROCKET Reloaded is coming to an end. The German-Dutch collaboration in six highly innovative company-driven innovation projects led to the development of a large number of state-of-the-art products and services.

Join the project partners in celebrating the extraordinary success of this German-Dutch technology partnership during the end event on 17 May from 13.30 – 13.30.

In addition to looking back on the projects achievements, each ROCKET Reloaded project will showcase its findings and results at a project marketplace. Also highlighted at the project market are a number of innovation projects that were developed in the predecessor program ‘ROCKET’ and that finished 2-3 years ago. This dynamic project market will offer you an excellent opportunity to learn more about innovations made possible by international cooperation.

Furthermore, we will also look forward towards future INTERREG Germany-Netherlands opportunties, and will stimulate the possibility to network and to discuss new project ideas for the upcoming funding period.

Don‘t miss the chance to benefit from the potential of cross-border cooperation!

  • Date:         17 May 2022
  • Time:         13.30 – 18.00h CET
  • Location: DRU Cultuurfabriek, Ulft, The Netherlands
  • Participation is free of charge

More information and registration

For more information about the project and the programme, please visit our website.

For questions about the event, please contact Eileen Geelhoed at

We look forward to welcoming you on the 17 of May in Ulft!

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