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May 10, 2022: Holland Semiconductors Topic Special #5 | Semicon in Germany

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On Tuesday, 10 May 2022, from 15.30-16.30, Holland Semiconductors presents the 5th online ‘Holland Semiconductors Topic Special’ event:

Semicon in Germany

Silicon Saxony
More than just Silicon: Microelectronics, ICT and beyond

A comprehensive overview of the Silicon Saxony cluster structure with its focus areas and respective key players as well as some possibilities for cross-cluster cooperation on events and conferences.

Presentation by Alesia Ramanishyna, EU Project Manager at Silicon Saxony – The High-Tech Network

Advanced optics from science and industry in Central Germany

Imaging, optoelectronic and micromechanical systems, high precision components and more. The OptoNet presentation will tell the story of the ecosystem of the ZEISS area around Jena. Main players, cluster innovation activies and connecting points to semiconductor industry will be highlighted.

Presentation by Anke Siegmeier, Managing Director of OptoNet • Photoniknetzwerk Thüringen

Participation is free of charge.

This live session will be hosted and moderated by Tom van der Dussen, Project Manager of Holland Semiconductors. Feel free to contact him about this and all our other events.

Our Topic Special sessions are recorded, watch them here

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