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March 31, 2022: Czech Nanotechnology networking event

Czech advanced research in nanotechnologies and its successful transfer into commercial solutions

Czech Nanotechnology presentation in The Hague – Thursday 31 March 2022

The Czech Republic is one of the global leaders in research, development and industrial production based on nanotechnologies in various sectors, from scientific instrumentation, optics, through biotechnology to environmental applications, energy sector and beyond. Dynamic growth, based on outstanding applied research, is linked, among others, to long tradition and world-leading position in electron microscopy R&D and production, revolutionary nanofibre production machines or to the self-cleaning smart coatings containing titanium-dioxide nanocrystals which achieve the highest cleaning efficiency in the world.


The reason for this global success is a linkage of Czech top research centers with business community and the rapid application of innovations in practice. With the purpose to share the state of the art in research and business in both countries and create opportunities to discuss collaboration, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in The Hague together with the Czech Nanotechnology Industry Association would like to invite you to a presentation and networking event titled  „Czech advanced research in nanotechnologies and its successful transfer into commercial solutions “.

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