
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

Manufacturing Technology Conference 2024

Koningshof, Veldhoven
09:00 - 17:00
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The aim of this Manufacturing Technology Conference is to bring together technicians from the design and manufacturing industry to share knowledge about manufacturability. With this annual Manufacturing Technology Conference, we increase knowledge about manufacturability for developers and help them look for possibilities that were previously unknown.

A program has been put together that aims to bring developers and manufacturability experts closer together. Exploration, but also in-depth consultation, is given a start here. Talking about the basics but also the details about a manufacturing process is possible.

More information for potential exhibitors can be found in the MTC 2024 brochure (PDF).

MTC 2024 will take place simultaneously with the Mikrocentrum Clean 2024 Event, with the aim to bring together the ‘inventors’ and ‘makers’ in the high tech ecosystem around ASML and Thermo Fisher Scientific.

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