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May 25, 2021, Kick-off session | Cyber Security, Circle of Trust

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We all lock our home doors and windows. Our car even locks automatically when you walk away from it and of course, you don’t share any passwords or credit cards. This is a standard procedure to protect your belongings and money. And, when somebody steals your car, you will immediately notice the next morning. The same goes for a burglar that illegally enters your home and steals your new TV; you notice it right away.

But how about the digital data inside your computer network; how do you know nobody had illegal access? And how about the suppliers, who need your digital information to manufacture the goods you ordered from them? What are the chances of someone in between your server and their network copies the intellectual property you share? These may or may not be daily topics that cross your mind. Should it be something to think about on a regular basis? We think you do!

For this reason, High Tech NL initiates this new initiative: A Cyber Security Circle of Trust for all members of High Tech NL with the focus on Semiconductors. 
For this Kick-off, ASML will contribute by sharing their view on this topic.

Read the full article on this topic, written by Tom van der Dussen (High Tech NL) and Piet Bel (ASML). 

Kick-off session | Cyber Security, Circle of Trust

Date | Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Time | 16.00-17.00h
Location | Online session


16.00 | Introduction
by Willem Endhoven, Managing Director, High Tech NL / Holland Semiconductors
16.05 | “High-level Introduction / Rationale for working together on CyberSecurity”
by Piet Bel, External Relations Manager, ASML Security
16.10 | “Why and how is ASML protecting itself against Espionage and Cybercrime”
by Aernout Reijmer, CISO,  ASML
16.25 | “See Cybersecurity Risks as a chance to innovate”
by Roel van Rijsewijk, Director Cyber Defense, Thales
16.40 | “How to protect our industry against Espionage and Cybercrime”
by Tom van der Dussen, Project manager Holland Semiconductors
and Piet Bel, External Relations Manager, ASML Security
16.55 | Q&A
17.00 | End


For whom

This kick or is intended for CEOs / directors and IT (security) managers.
The goal is to unite CEO’s, IT Managers, CISO and Security managers from all of our members.



Join us on May 25, 2021!

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