
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

June 30, 2021, Rocket Reloaded TechTalks | AutoMess3D

The INTERREG VA project “ROCKET Reloaded – RegiOnal Collaboration on Key Enabling Technologies” has successfully supported numerous industry-driven innovation projects in the field of key technologies such as nanotechnology, microsystem technology, micro-, and nanoelectronics, advanced materials as well as photonics.

To introduce you to the innovations emerging in ROCKET Reloaded’s projects and the experts behind them, Rocket Reloaded’s core partners are planning a webinar series to present each of the innovation projects. The planned webinars will take place at the end of the respective innovation projects. Therefore, we will hold three sets of two webinars each. In the first set, the second webinar we present to you, the projects “AutoMess3D”.

AutoMess3D – 30.6.2021 | 16:00 – 17:00 h (CET)
Automatic measuring and analyzing system for shape and positional tolerances.

The objective of the project is to configure a system for quality control. It focuses on companies producing components and assemblies, which intend to monitor the production process. The paramount objective of the project is analyzing and documenting shape and positional tolerances. Another aspect is the easy operation of the device after a short instruction.



To attend the webinar, please register on the ROCKET website:


We look forward to interesting TechTalks and discussions with you!

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