
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

June 14-30, 2021, Korea-Netherlands Semiconductor Industry Cooperation event.

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KOTRA (Korea Trade Invest Promotion Agency) Amsterdam in cooperation with Holland Semiconductors is organizing the Korea-Netherlands Semiconductor Industry Cooperation Event.

KOTRA supports Korean companies and overseas companies in their business growth and development. Since 1962 KOTRA has successfully worked in more than 128 international branches worldwide in order to create the right business environment for South Korean companies and start-ups with international business partners.

We would like to offer you not only the opportunity to intensively exchange ideas with Korean manufacturers but also to establish essential networks from which your company will benefit in the future. Use this opportunity to present yourself to potential partners, such as suppliers, R&D partners, and investors, of high quality to receive offers tailored to your upcoming challenges.

Date | June 14-30, 2021
Location | Online

Contents of Webinar

  • Korean and Dutch semiconductor industry trends by Korean and Dutch associations/organizations. (Session 1 Design, Session 2 Equipment)
  • Case Study about cooperation between KR-NL & Suggestions for strengthening cooperation


To register for this event please contact Josefine Lee, Marketing Manager, KOTRA Amsterdam., T: 020-754-6901


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