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July 8, 2021, Netherlands-Japan Launch Event Quantum-Photonics-Nanotech

The rapid digital transition requires radical high-tech solutions to keep the global social systems running in terms of security, sustainability, economy, health, and others. Important parts of these solutions lie in the area of quantum technology, photonics, and nanotechnology. The Netherlands and Japan are forefront runners, both in terms of content and in terms of industry-academia collaboration.

With the purpose to share the state of the art in both countries and to create opportunities to discuss collaboration, the Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo organizes a Netherlands-Japan Launch Event on Thursday, July 8. The agenda of this Webinar includes renowned speakers from both governments, Netherlands leading organizations QuantumDelta, PhotonDelta/PITC, Dutch Optics Center and the PIB Nanotechnology Business Cluster, and Japanese leading organizations RIKEN, IOWN, Mitsubishi Electric, and Keio University. We will also introduce upcoming activities in the second half of 2021 in which you can participate and get in closer contact with each other and further discuss collaboration.

This event is linked to the TeamNL Tokyo Expo, which is organized on the occasion of the Olympic Games in Tokyo. Please click here for other events of the Expo including the Innovation Parade.

• Title: Netherlands-Japan Launch Event Quantum-Photonics-Nanotech

• Date: Thursday 8 July 2021

• Time:8:30-10:30NL / 15:30-17:30JP

• Venue: Webinar

• Organizer: Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo in cooperation with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)


More information and registration

More information on this webinar, with the full program and speakers.
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