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July 1, 2021, Holland Semiconductors Topic Special #2 | Advanced Packaging

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On Thursday, July 1, 2021, the second Holland Semiconductors Topic Special will take place. From 16.00-17.00h, Holland Semiconductors presents “The Holland Semiconductors Topic Special | Advanced Packaging”. Register now for this interactive (online) round table discussion.





The Semicon industry is largely driven by three aspects: standardization, mass production, and miniaturization. The latter means more functionality on reduced real estate or just cost reduction! Moores law guides the Semicon industry already for decades towards more and more transistors per square micrometer. Today we are already looking at the 2-nanometer node!

Making more efficient use of real estate does not exclusively mean that we need to consider the 2-D plane only; we do have a third dimension!
By putting multiple chips in a package, Advanced packaging, stacking of the die will make this third dimension available. However, it will give us more. Using Through Silicon Vias and Interposers opens the option to have very short interconnections with very high capacity thus reducing power consumption as well as increasing the communication speed between the separate die. And as connections become significantly smaller also the physical effects of interconnections need lesser attention.

Yet there is another major advantage. Where Moore’s law in two dimensions relies on extreme mass production to be cost-effective, Advanced packaging can support high volume-very small series production, using almost any kind of chip including photonic chips, at no additional costs. Hence, assembly of these advanced packages will ensure a boost in the availability of adequate production automation support, a trend that is seriously supported by Holland Semiconductors.

During the online live broadcast, three table guests will present their views on Advanced Packaging. Subsequently, the participants are given the opportunity to discuss this topic with the table guests and each other.
The live session will be hosted and moderated by Tom van der Dussen, Project Manager of Holland Semiconductors.

Quests at the table:

Eric Beyne | Senior Fellow, VP R&D, Director 3D System Integration Program, Imec
Barry Peet | General Manager, CITC Netherlands
Oliver Maiwald | CEO Sencio




These are exciting times for the Semiconductor industry! Let’s take this window of opportunity together. 

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