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January 17, 2023: Cornerstones of Printed Electronics | HTSM Roadmap Electronics

High Tech Campus 31, Eindhoven
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In collaboration with Printed Electronics Nederland and the HTSM Roadmap Electronics team we are organizing a meeting on printed electronics on Tuesday 17 January 2023.

=> It is a physical event, but remote participation is partly possible: the presentations will be livestreamed.

Cornerstones of Printed Electronics: development, applications and production of PE

Registration is closed

Program overview

13.30 Walk-in and coffee
14.00 Start of the program
Introduction on Printed Electronics ecosystem in the Netherlands Peter Visser
Chairman, Printed Electronics Nederland
Moderator of the event
Inkjet Processing Technologies for Printed Electronics Marcel Grooten
Managing Director, DoMicro
Printed Electronics for Medical use Natallia Uzunbajakava
Programme manager Medical Wearable Devices, Holst Centre
Printed Electronics for Sports and Textile integration Marina Toeters
Fashion tech designer, co-owner of the Fashion Tech Farm
 15.00 Break
In-Mould Structural Electronics (IMSE) Printed Electronics for the Automotive industry Paavo Niskala
SVP IMSE Technology, Tactotek
Volume production platform Ashok Sridhar
CEO, TracXon
• Discussion with speakers and audience
• Future Printed Electronics sessions in 2023
• Visit to LOPEC (Peter Visser)
16.00 Visit Holst Experience Center
 16.30 Networking drinks


Practical details

  • Date: Tuesday 17 January 2023
  • Location: Holst Centre, High Tech Campus 31, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
  • Participation is free of charge, but advanced registration is mandatory



This event is organised by the HTSM Roadmap Electronics team, Printed Electronics Nederland and Holland Semiconductors.

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