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Januari 20 2021, Webinar ‘Equipment for efficient production of integrated photonics‘

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As a follow up to the workshops ‘Equipment for efficient production of integrated photonics‘ PhotonDeltaTU/e HTSC, and High Tech NL will organize a webinar in which we will inform you about the current state, the progress, and the next steps regarding the several topics within the equipment for the production of integrated photonics. We invite you for this webinar on January 20 from 11.00 – 12.00 via Microsoft Teams.


  • Introduction / recap workshops
  • Status update;
    – Front-end equipment;
    – Back-end;
    – Metrology
  • Growth funds and other initiatives
  • Discussion about next steps


There is no participation fee for this webinar.



More information about the roadmap photonics

For more information on the workshop, contact Ben van der Zon;

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