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October 26-29, 2021, #HTVD21

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On October 26-29 2021, 40 startups meet 180 investors at #HTVD21. The event takes place on-site (26/27 October in Dresden/Germany) and online (28/29 October).

The call is open until 31 May. In this period, startups can apply and investors can get their Earlybird tickets.
The focus is on European startups in these fields:

Cleantech | Batteries, Circular Economy, Renewables, Smart Grid, Water & gas treatment
Electronics | 5 G, Connectivity, Fabless, IoT, Photonics, Semiconductors, Sensors
Industry 4.0 | Automation, Robotics, Smart Logistics, Smart Manufacturing
Materials | 3D Printing, Advanced Materials, Coating, Composites, Membranes
MedTech | Devices, Diagnostics, Non-invasive Monitoring, Wearables
Mobility | AGV, Autonomous Driving, Aviation, eMobility, Lidar, Space Tech


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