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December 1, 2022: Chip Design: An Industry Deep Dive

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Chip Design: An Industry Deep Dive

This December, we look forward to welcoming the Netherlands’ best minds in chip design to an exclusive networking and knowledge sharing event.

Hosted by Oost NL / Chip Tech Twente,  Holland Semiconductors, Brainport Development and PhotonDelta, this is your chance to join a community of leading lights from the Dutch chip design industry.



Date:            Thursday, 1st December 2022

Time:            13.00-17.00h (Check from @ 12.00h, a self-service lunch will be made available)

Location:     AI Innovation Center, High Tech Campus 5, 5656 AE Eindhoven


This is an invitation-only event. If you didn’t receive an invitation but want to participate? Email: 


12.00h Walk-in lunch and registration

If you arrive early, please enjoy the complimentary lunch

13.00h Opening by our chairman

Ben van der Zon, program manager internationalisation and innovation, High Tech NL | cluster Semiconductors

13.05h The exponential growth of integrated photonics

Integrated photonics is a key enabling technology for exponential technologies like computing, communication and sensing. These technologies grow typically by >10x every decade, while also becoming >10x more efficient. I will give an update on the latest trends in the field, both in industry and in academia.

Martijn Heck, Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology

13.20h Co-design of Photonics and Electronics

While single-die System-on-Chip design has been the mantra of the IC design community in the past decades, the design philosophy is now opening up again. Non-CMOS technologies, like photonics, get added to the solution in order to push performance. A system approach, with photonic-electronic co-design is needed to deliver on the promise of higher bandwidth, better accuracy and power efficiency.

Kathleen Philips, General Manager imec at Holst Centre and VP R&D, Holst Centre

13.40h Design of 3D heterogenous chips and systems: electrons & photons

This keynote will discuss the trends towards multi-die/multi-technology semiconductor systems and how this changes the requirements for design solutions, IP and silicon life cycle management.

Twan Korthorst, Group Director Photonic Solutions, Synopsys

14.00h How European innovation programmes can support your business 

The European Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking as well as the Eureka cluster programmes bring unprecedented opportunities for European businesses in market oriented RD&I. The aim of these programmes are to ensure the EU has the necessary expertise in key enabling technologies to be a competitive leader of the world’s digital economy. During this presentation we will highlight these programmes. Also, we will present the progress that has been made following the European Chips Act and the opportunities this brings to your business.

Jacob Jan de Boer, Senior Advisor European Research and Innovation Projects, RVO

14.20h Break

14.45h Break-out sessions

Please pre-register for the break-out session of your preference

Session 1 | RF – Is RF a core business of the Dutch Economy?
> Niels Kramer, Managing Director Europe & VP Marketing, Altum RF
> Peter Baltus, Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology
Session 2 | Analogue & mixed signal – Connecting the 2 worlds of PIC and IC design
> Mark Gortemaker, Business Development Manager, Bruco Integrated Circuits
> Ronald Broeke, CEO, Bright Photonics
Session 3 | Sensing – Photonics in sensing; it takes more technologies to tango
> Paul van Dijk, Vice President Strategy and Innovation, Lionix International
> Hans Dijk, Business Development Manager, Surfix Diagnostics

15.45h Wrap-up Break-out sessions

Ben van der Zon, program manager internationalisation and innovation, High Tech NL | cluster Semiconductor

15.55h Chip Design Community NL

Chip design is an important part of our global IC ecosystem. This activity is a natural starting point for both semiconductors and integrated photonics IC’s. Within The Netherlands we have a long history in this field and hold many companies and (hidden) champions. Some companies have a dedicated focus on a specific application, while others have a wider scope on a range of activities. At the moment there is no dedicated platform to unite all companies, but that will change today. As of today we introduce the Chip Design Community NL. Together with dedicated partners, High Tech NL cluster Semiconductors is building a unique Chip Design Community NL to add value to Dutch based chip design companies.

Tom van der Dussen, Cluster Manager, High Tech NL | cluster Semiconductors

16.00h Chip Design in the Netherlands: Organize into a powerful chip design ecosystem

Brainport Eindhoven is exploring the current and future opportunities for chip design in the Netherlands. This has led to an overview to inform and connect stakeholders within an ecosystem. The aim is to arrive at a joint Dutch roadmap based on four action lines.

Ronnie Kuppens, Project Manager Chip Design, Brainport Development

16.05h Opportunities for collaboration with the PhotonDelta ecosystem

Built on investment, talent, and shared infrastructure, the PhotonDelta ecosystem is a collaborative end-to-end supply chain for the development, production and application of photonic chips. To bring the industry forward, PhotonDelta offers various ways to engage with the integrated photonics ecosystem, from connecting pioneers in the field with investors and subsidies, to understanding viable markets and R&D roadmapping and facilitated prototyping activities.

Jorn Smeets, Chief Marketing Officer, PhotonDelta

16.20h Wrap-up Break-out

Ben van der Zon, program manager internationalisation and innovation, High Tech NL | cluster Semiconductors

16.30h Drinks & bytes




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