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April 29 2021, Holland Semiconductors Topic Special (online)| Semiconductors in a geopolitical perspective

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These are turbulent times in the Semiconductor industry. Shortages of chips stopping production lines, US/CN trade war impact, the ongoing consolidation of semiconductor companies, huge investment plans in new fabs.

The Semiconductor industry is shaken up worldwide. With a strongly increasing political focus on semiconductors, 2021 will likely be the year of significant changes in our industry.

On Thursday, April 29 from 16.00-17.00h, Holland Semiconductors presents “the Holland Semiconductors Topic Special | Semiconductors in a geopolitical perspective”. We invite you to participate in this interactive (online) round table discussion on this topic.




What do these changes in the Semiconductor industry mean for you as a member of HighTech NL | Holland Semiconductors? How can your company be helped? Do you experience “unfair” global competition or a negative impact from global dynamics? Do you miss certain elements in our Dutch ecosystem? Make yourself heard by participating in this round table discussion, so we can collect “one voice” of SME and try to close the gap between large European initiatives and what the companies actually need.


During the online live broadcast, three table guests will present their views on the Semiconductor industry in a global perspective. Subsequently, the participants are given the opportunity to discuss this topic with the table guests and each other.
The live session will be hosted and moderated by Willem Endhoven, Managing director of High Tech NL.

Quests at the table:

Tim Tiek | CEO and Executive Director, Dieco Electronics | Boardmember High Tech NL
Patrick Pype | Director European Affairs, NXP Semiconductors
Maud van Haeren | Senior Policy Advisor at Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat


These are exciting times for the Semiconductor industry! Let’s take this window of opportunity together. Register now!

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