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April 27-28: Smart Systems Integration Conference 2022

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The Smart Systems Integration Conference (SSI) 2022 will take place in Grenoble from Wednesday 27 to Thursday 28 April.

The conference will cover topics along the whole value chain starting from MEMS/ NEMS, photonics, microfluidics or printed technologies for sensor manufacturing up to complete smart systems with embedded intelligence and to different application scenarios.

Digitization is not only increasingly entering our lifes, it is a real game changer! There will be not only advances in individual components and subsystems necessary, especially connectivity and implementation of intelligence “at the edge” integrated in smart modules and systems will be the key. To be successful in future, interdisciplinary approaches are required more than ever.

The conference will therefore cover all aspects and technology readiness levels. Key enablers and key technologies will be addressed as well as new design concepts and embedded intelligence as well as specific application domains (mobility, energy, industry, agrifood, biomedical applications, and healthy living). Beyond research topics, EPoSS as co-organizer will organize sessions on strategy and business creation as well as on impact resulting from European funded projects in the domain.

In an engaging and compact format, the conference will provide a unique and valuable opportunity to interact with the stakeholders of the Smart Systems community along the value chain by means of technical sessions, strategy panels and exhibition booths. Research and technology organisations, small and mid-sized enterprises and industry will share their latest approaches and the results.

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