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April 18, 2023: Online workshop Competence Centres in Semiconductors

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Online workshop on Competence Centres in Semiconductors

How can European Competence centres serve the needs of semiconductor stakeholders?

April 18, 2023 from 14.00-17.00h (online, free of charge)

Organisation by The ALLPROS.EU ecosystem

The event is designed to bring together industry stakeholders, including start-ups, SMEs, and mid-caps, industry experts and researchers, who are interested in the latest developments on competence centres in semiconductors. Specifically, the event will be an opportunity to discuss how competence centres in semiconductors can serve the needs of industrial stakeholders.

The online workshop on Competence Centres in Semiconductors will cover a range of topics related to Competence Centres, such as their objectives, activities, and services for semiconductors stakeholders, especially industry, including start-ups, SMEs and mid-caps.

The event will feature introductory speeches by the European Commission, and a series of breakout sessions where stakeholders will have the chance to express their expectations for Competence Centre services such as access to technical expertise and consulting, providing training, specialised knowhow, and more.

What are the main goals of this workshop?

  • Identify stakeholders’ needs and expectations from EU Competence Centres.
  • Discuss the next steps in setting-up the Competence Centres for semiconductors.

Who should attend?

The event is a must-attend for SMEs, mid-caps and Industry representatives. The event is open to anyone interested in advancing innovation in the field of semiconductors through collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Registration for the Workshop

The event is free of charge. Registered participants will receive by email the link. Registration via:

Webinar Registration

For more information on the program, visit the event page:

Online Workshop on Competence Centres in Semiconductors |


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