
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

April 14, 2022: “High Tech NL te gast bij” Demcon

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Imagine tomorrow.
Challenge today.

On behalf of organizing High Tech NL member Demcon, we invite you to visit this company on Thursday 14 April 2022 together with other members.

A great opportunity to meet other High Tech NL members and to take a look behind the scenes at Demcon.

Demcon is an international company that develops, produces and supplies high-quality technology and innovative products. They will share their passion for technological solutions with social impact. From ventilators, wearables and blood pumps to lithography, packaging and qualification tools. But also electrolyzers for the production of hydrogen from (sustainable) electricity or innovations in battery technology to improve storage capacity.

The great variety in markets and industries in which Demcon operates provide an important basis for their multidisciplinary approach and promote cross-fertilization. Demcon combines creativity and technical skills aimed at solving complex issues. These issues are of a technological and social nature and often have a direct or indirect impact on people and our world. Whether this concerns medical products, systems that monitor our security, systems for the semicon industry or sustainable innovations relating to themes such as water and energy. “At Demcon we always aim for better.”

This meeting is part of a series of network meetings “High Tech NL te gast bij…

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