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April 14 2021, Webinar | Hoe volg ik mijn klant?!

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Following on from the successful webinar ‘Software maakt het verschil?!’ last November, High Tech NL and TNO-ESI are organizing a new online edition on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm; ‘Hoe volg ik mijn klant?!’. (in Dutch)


A product developer’s challenge is to deliver a product that the customer wants. Customer preferences change fast, also during the development phase of a product. How to deal with this flexibly, how to get the feeling of being on the right track early on, how to make strategic choices that retain their values? What does this mean for development processes and contacts with customers? During this online event, we will address these questions through presentations given by a system integrator and three product suppliers in different market segments. The system integrator will present an overview of his challenges and how these affect product suppliers. The product suppliers will share the lessons they have learned, how they deal with the changing demands of their customers and what that means for their way of working.

Chairman of the day: Remko van der Zee, Director Systems Integration Vanderlande: “Productizing Material Handling Solutions; flexibility from a System Integrator perspective”

Heico Sandee | CTO and founder Smart Robotics: “Nieuwe applicatie voor een nieuwe markt en toch tot goede fit komen, maar hoe?”

Ronald Zeelen | Priva: “Een klant die je wil helpen je product beter te maken, omarmen of anderhalve meter afstand houden?”

Marc Hamilton | Altran: “Tailoring your engineering system to maximize your value-add”

Arjan Mooij | ESI (TNO): demo POOSL

Jacco Wesselius | ESI (TNO): facilitator


More information and registration



ESI (TNO) specializes in system engineering of complex systems in the high-tech industry. Knowledge and experiences gained on-site from high-tech partners including ASML, Canon Production Printing, and Philips, in collaboration with partner universities, can serve as a guideline for SMEs.



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