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3D Integration of Micro Components | HTSM roadmap semiconductor equipment

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3D Integration of Micro Components

This event focuses on 3D integration of micro components from an industry, user and machine maker’s  perspective.

What opportunities does this entail for Small and Medium Enterprises?

Learn about the directions, applications and challenges and discuss with other participants.

The event is moderated by Patrick de Jager, Senior Research Director at ASML.

You are welcome from 12.30 h. The programme starts at 13.00 h.

Programme overview

 13.00 Heterogeneous integration at NXP
>>read more
Jan Gülpen
Back End Innovation at NXP
Application and Integration of (CMUT) Ultrasound
>>read more
Johan Klootwijk
Team Lead at Philips Research
Unfolding Fashion Tech: micro components in garments
>>read more
Marina Toeters
Fashion tech designer, co-owner of the Fashion Tech Farm
Semiconductor trends in lighting industry
>>read more
Patrick van den Heuvel
R&D Manager at Signify
Assembly of a Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave LIDAR system
>>read more
Peter Harmsma
Scientist at TNO
  14.15 Break
  14.30 Backend lithography challenges for more than Moore devices
>>read more
Jeroen de Boeij
System architect at Kulicke & Soffa
How laser is enabling the semiconductor roadmap
>>read more
Jeroen van Borkulo
Head of Business & Marketing at ASM Laser Separation International
The use of integrated photonics for precision sensing
>>read more
Pim Kat
Chief Executive Officer at Amazec Photonics
Perspectives on emerging and disruptive technologies for microelectronics
>>read more
Marcel Grooten
Managing Director at DoMicro
Flux-less Thermocompression Bonding of Large Area Dies with High Density Interconnects Via In-Situ Oxide Reduction
>>read more
Andreas Marte
Senior Principal Engineer at Kulicke & Soffa
  15.45 Break
  16.00 Breakout sessions
  16.30 Wrap-up
  17.00 Networking drinks

Practical details

Thursday, 15 September 2022
Check-in:       12.30h
Programme: 13.00-17.30h
Igluu Eindhoven
Lichttoren 32
5611 BJ Eindhoven
Google Maps


This event is an initiative of the HTSM Roadmap Semiconductor Equipment team, in cooperation with High Tech NL/Holland Semiconductors.

Powered by a Holland High Tech MIT-Network activities (MIT-regeling-NetwerkActiviteiten) grant.

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