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November 23, 2021 Free Online Course – Integrated Photonics: enabling the SME’s to grow with the power of light

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On November 23, PhotonDelta organizes, especially for SME’s, a half-day course to introduce you to integrated photonics!
Do you want to know what opportunities this technology and the PhotonDelta ecosystem have to offer? Or how it can be applied in your industry (e.g. Data & Telecom or Life Sciences)?
Discover the answers during the free online course, organized in collaboration with PhotonHub Europe.

More info and registration

In this workshop, PhotonDelta team will introduce you to the empowering capabilities within our ecosystem to take your product to the next level, using the capabilities of Integrated Photonics. In addition, you can learn more about the application of PICs in Data & Telecom as well as Automotive industries, the PITC, PhotonHub support activities, as well as many ways in which we can support you directly or through existing EU funded projects.

09.30 – 09.50

Introduction: (20 Mins)

  • Photon Hub Europe
  • Workshop on PhotonDelta Ecosystem and opportunities to innovate with Integrated Photonics Technology
  • Introduction of the speakers
  • By Jorn Smeets & Nilufar Bulut, PhotonDelta

09.50 – 11.10

Photonic Specialisation Areas: (90 Mins)

09.50 – 10.20

Carol de Vries, PhotonDelta will talk about the application of PICs in Data & Telecom as well as Automotive industries (20 Mins each)

10.20- 10.40

Erik van Geest, PITC will talk about Photonics Integration Technology Center (PITC)

10.40 – 11.10

Q&A (20 Mins)

11.10 – 11.20

Coffee Break (20 Mins)

11.20 – 11.30

PhotonHub Support Measures (20 Mins)

Nilufar Bulut, Program Manager Public-Private Partnerships at PhotonDelta

11.30 – 12.00

Q&A (30 Mins)

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