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What is lazy robotics all about

Conference Center, gebouw The Strip, High Tech Campus 1, Eindhoven
17:00:00 - 21:00:00
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Robotics is the part of mechatronics that deals with theoretical implications and practical applications of robots in the broadest sense of the word. Developments in the world of robotics are going super fast. Robots can do more, and according to experts, they will gradually change our lives. Robots are no longer science fiction and are becoming part of our daily lives, our household and our work. The rise of robots also has a profound impact on the way we look at ourselves.

How complex do robots need to be? What are the promises of lazy robots? And how can you fulfil those promises?

Lazy Robotics
The classic way to manage complexity in robot control is to convert the robot’s task into a geometric motion control problem. This often leads to robots which excel in being very busy, much beyond what’s actually needed for the task. The new paradigm named Lazy Robotics takes an almost opposite starting point: the robot should never do more than is necessary to accomplish its task(s). Bringing this paradigm to life brings a lot of challenges and research questions that still need to be tackled. René van de Molengraft, TU/e professor, will discuss some of the promises of Lazy Robotics and how to reach them. Throughout the presentation, the RoboCup scenarios will serve as an illustrative example.


17.00 hrs | reception with food & drinks
18.00 hrs | knowledge session part 1
18.45 hrs | collective break with opportunity for networking
19.15 hrs | knowledge session part 2
20.00 hrs | concluding networking event


More information and registration


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