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AI in Engineering Symposium

Auditorium, TU/e Campus
10:00:00 - 17:00:00
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming a disruptive technology in many applications. After a first wave of successful AI-based consumer applications, a second wave of AI-based industrial applications is on the horizon. Creating these applications encompasses more than just the fields of data science and AI, and includes engineering disciplines such as embedded systems, mechatronics, sensors, control theory, physics and more.

Research needs to be carried out to understand how to bridge the gap between engineering and AI. High Tech Systems Center has the pivotal role in connecting people and creating multi-disciplinary AI projects together with the industry.

On the 29th of October 2019, Eindhoven University of Technology will open its doors to everyone interested in artificial intelligence for high tech systems. The symposium includes keynotes, masterclasses and presentations from industrial players and TU/e researchers. Furthermore, the exhibition will present many live demonstrations. One of the masterclasses will be provided by MathWorks.

The full program and registration will become available end of August.

Visit symposium website

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