HHT Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Roadmap

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In October 2023, the renewed Holland High Tech (HHT) Roadmap for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment was presented. On May 31, we would like to invite you to a follow up of this meeting to give you an update on developments and national initiatives related to the roadmap over the past months.
Follow up meeting
Amongst other, there will be presentations on ChipNL, the national O&O&I plan for the Dutch Semiconductor Industry, the status and possibilities in the new PPS innovation scheme by Holland High Tech and coverage of the ChipsAct competence center including a contents workshop.
Agenda & Program
9:30 – Welcome by Rogier Verberk of TNO
9:40 – Unsupervised anomaly detection by Rob Snel of TNO
Image based metrology is producing ever growing vast quantities of data, but the software to detect anomalies requires a lot of tweaking and is therefore often too expensive to implement. We work on unsupervised data driven methods for in-line use to detect anomalies that are easy to implement. Even for small batches.
10:15 – An update on TKI HTSM programming
TKI HTSM supports research in public-private projects. With a strategic program for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment, upcoming calls, and specific support for SME’s there are several opportunities for companies to participate. Ronald van Es – TKI HTSM and Wim van der Zande – ARCNL will give an update of the organization, activities and calls from TKI HTSM and the strategic program.
10:45 – Break
11:00 – The national plan for the Dutch semiconductor Industry
Is about the drawing up of ChipNL – Uniting the Dutch chip industry for a sustainable future, a plan by and for the Dutch semiconductor industry. It will cover the introduction and status of ChipNL – by Naomi Verstraeten project coordinator, and coverage of the Semiconductor Equipment pillar by Frans List work package leader Equipment
11:30 – Chips Act Competence Centers and content workshop by Marieke Stokkelaar ChipTech Twente
Within the EU Chips Act initiatives, Competence Centers play an important linking role in providing access to pilot lines and the design platform. For the Dutch center, besides chip design, semiconductor manufacturing equipment has been chosen as a specialization with a focus on offering business development and supply chain coordination services. During this workshop, we would like to determine together with companies what the supply chain management within the Competence Centre should look like. With this input, we will work towards a technical service that matches market needs.
12:20 Wrap-up
12:30 Adjourn & Lunch
Event: HHT Roadmap Semiconductor Equipment
Date: 31 May 2024, 09.30 – 12.30h (including lunch)
Location: TNO Delft, Stieltjesweg 1, 2628 CK Delft
Please note that there a limited spaces available. You will receive a message one week before the event informing you if your registration has been accepted.
This event is organized in a collaboration between ASML, TNO and High Tech NL Semiconductors and powered by Holland High Tech.