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Workshop Competences, Needs & Gaps | NXTGEN HIGHTECH domain Biomed

UTwente Enschede

NXTGEN HIGHTECH workpackage leaders of the Biomed 01 One-Stop-Shop will organize on October 04, 2023 the workshop ‘Competences, Needs and Gaps in fabrication for biomedical devices’. 

One of the goals of the One-Stop-Shop project is to create a facility for the development and production of innovative products within the field of Lab-on-Chip, Organ-on-Chip, Artificial Organs and Cell production technologies. As we all know developing a product is one thing but producing it is another. Transitioning from a prototype phase into a production phase requires thinking about several different aspects. This facility as well as its processes must be up to standard with regard to regulatory compliance. A big part is understanding what is needed regarding production technologies and qualification technologies. In order to understand the gaps we first must explore what our competences are as well as the needs related to producing innovative products.

The workshop is on invitation and for participants of the NXTGEN HIGHTECH domain Biomed only.

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