
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

SBMC > Great Small Talk Show

Atlas Building TU/e campus, Eindhoven
16:30 - 18:00
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For the summer edition of SBMC’s networking event, this time they managed to secure four exceptional guests from the worlds of science and entrepreneurship.

In case of doubt, here are a few good reasons to join:

Inspiring interviews by Mercedes Tuin with:

  • Chris Arts, Professor of Translational Biomaterials (TU/e, Maastricht UMC+) on how to bridge scientific disciplines,
  • Geert van Almen, from UpyTher on how to Innovating Cancer Treatments
  • Bertrand van Leersum, Borski Fund & Roel Dekkers, NextGen Ventures on how to fund a Regmed Start-up

Great networking opportunity for Brainport scientists and entrepreneurs in the field of biomaterial engineering.
Dutch bitterballen included.

Great Small Talk Show
Date: June 18th, 2024
Time: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm

Venue: Atlas Building TU/e campus, Eindhoven

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