
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

Life Cycle Management of a Medical Device

TechMed Center, Technohal, Hallenweg 5, 7522NH Enschede

Organized by Holland Innovative, we aim to share knowledge and stimulate innovation in the High-tech and MedTech industries. This unique event provides an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of Reliability and its impact on MedTech. At Holland Innovative, experts from various fields not only learn from each other but also create innovative synergy. This has resulted in new insights and training programs, especially at the intersection of MedTech and Reliability. The event introduces the benefits and applications of Reliability.

We are delighted to unveil our esteemed list of speakers for the event on February 7. To get a glimpse of what the event has to offer, we refer you to the agenda below.

12:00-13:00: Registration and Lunch

13:00-13:15: General Introduction and Introduction to Reliability

13:15-13:45: Presentation by Prof. Erik Buskens from UMC Groningen

13:45-14:15: Presentation by Nick van den Berg from Micronit

14:15-14:30: Networking Break

14:30-15:00: Presentation by Björn Timmer from Demcon and Anton Meek from Labori International

15:00-15:30: Presentation by Marcel Dekker from Maser

15:30-15:45: Networking Break

15:45-16:45: Workshop ‘Clinical Evaluation and Reliability’ facilitated by Lisanne Nannings, Coen Smits, Jerry de Groot, and Monique van Lier from Holland Innovative.

16:45-17:30: Conclusion & Networking

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