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An online update on the world of High-tech Biosensing!

Online - webinar
15:00:00 - 16:30:00
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On Monday October 10, High Tech NL’s clusters Holland Lifescience Technologies will organize, in collaboration with MinacNed, an informative webinar Biosensing, from 15.00 to 16.30h.

Inspiring speakers go deeper into Biosensing and interesting aspects are discussed. Online participants also have the opportunity to ask questions via the chat function.

An online update on the world of High-tech Biosensing!
Within the high-tech world, we see an expansion of the Semiconductors working area towards new application areas in the medical and food sector, where new chipsets have a different production method and application…These application areas have different requirements but also offer the opportunity for new business opportunities!

MinacNed and High Tech NL are both working on exploring and stimulating these new areas and would like to take this opportunity to inform about some interesting areas of application in the high-tech biosensing world.

Would you like to know more about the opportunities and possibilities of biosensing?

Join the webinar on Monday, October 10 from 15.00-16.30 hours!




Presentors of an online update on the world of High-tech Biosensing!

  Joost Lötters
Science Officer Bronkhorst High-Tech (Ruurlo, NL)
University of Twente / Delft University of Technology
Bronkhorst High-Tech BV | Company founded in 1981. Technology, devices and systems for flow measurement, -calibration, -control, -dosage and -analysis.

Topic | Flow control and analysis for bioreactors and organ-on-a-chip systems
Reliably growing cell cultures is of great importance in the field of medical drug research and production. Cell cultures can for instance be grown in bioreactors and organ-on-a-chip systems. Flow control and analysis plays a significant role in the process control of bioreactors and organ-on-a-chip systems. A modular microfluidic platform for flow control and analysis will be presented, as well as some examples of developed modules and applications.


Avinash Radjkoemar
Business Analyst Novioscan
(Nijmegen, NL)
Novioscan | Company founded in 2014. Working with company Essity (a large Swedish multinational dedicated to improve well-being through leading hygiene and health solutions) since 2020.

Topic | SENS-U
The SENSU-U is a wireless bladder sensor that uses ultrasound to detect how full the bladder is. When it’s time to go to the toilet, this compact device sends a message that only the SENS-U wearer can feel or see on the mobile phone.


Merijn Klarenbeek
Founder & CEO Elitac Wearables
(Utrecht, NL)
Elitac Wearables | company founded in 2012. In April of 2022 Elitac started to work with XSens from Enschede to push innovation in the motion capture and wearables domain.

Topic | BalanceBelt
The BalanceBelt is a health & well-being wearable that uses haptic feedback to help patients suffering from severe balance disorders find their balance and regain their independence. The belt was developed in collaboration with Prof Dr. Kingma and the Maastricht University Medical Centre+ and it was launched commercially in the summer of 2020.




This webinar will be organized bij High Tech NL’s clusters Holland Lifescience Technologies in collaboration with MinacNed.


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